Posts By: Rise

Why Rise Matters to Me: Susan Chinitz, Early Childhood Center

Last year we hosted a Rise writing group for mothers with children in foster care and we’ll host another group this spring. I think it’s one of … Read More

Why Rise Matters to Me: Tammy Kim

I’m a journalist at AL-Jazeera America. I learned about Rise in the course of doing research on child welfare a couple years ago and I’ve been reading it ever since.

As a journalist writing about child welfare in New York City, Rise is a critical resource. The other things you read in this field are written by policy people and so-called experts, but it’s rare to get the perspective of folks who are … Read More

Why Rise Matters to Me: Ron Richter, Judge

I’m a family court judge who decides domestic violence and custody cases in Queens Family Court. I was also the commissioner of the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) in New York City for two-and-a-half years, until last December.

While I was at ACS, I invited Rise writers to read their stories and speak on a panel in front of about 300 managers at an ACS Leadership Forum. Rise writers also spoke at an ACS Convening on … Read More

Why Rise Matters to Me: Michele Cortese, Center for Family Representation

I’m the deputy director at the Center for Family Representation, which represents parents who are charged in Family Court in Manhattan or Queens with allegations of neglect or abuse. We use Rise stories in three ways.

First, we use Rise in initial training and orientation for new staff. We have teams that work with parents—lawyers, social workers and parent advocates. Our parent advocates are parents who  themselves had child welfare cases and some … Read More

Why Rise Matters to Me: Jim Dossett, Parent

An unexplained … Read More

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