Posts Tagged: coronavirus

How You Can Help Your Child Cope During COVID-19

Adapted from the Brain Architects Podcast with Jack Shonkoff, Harvard Center on the Developing Child

Adults are really
struggling with the pressures and tensions of this time. When we’re feeling
significant stress, anxiety, unease and even depression about what’s going on,
you don’t have as much energy to be on your best game at all times.

For everyone, feeling some sense of safety and control brings
your stress system back down. And
none of us are capable of
feeling safe and secure … Read More

Visiting During COVID – Resources for Parents

We know that if you’re visiting your children in foster care only by video or phone because of the pandemic, you are suffering. We hope this tip sheet and resources on coping with virtual visits, self-advocating and taking care of yourself can help you stay strong during this tough time. You will make it. You can get through this and get your children home. —WITH LOVE FROM THE RISE TEAM

Resources from Rise

Your Rights to Visit Despite … Read More

Resources for Parents Impacted by Coronavirus and Child Welfare

Compiled by Keyna Franklin, Rise Parent Leader

04/23/2020 – Virtual Visits in a Time of Uncertainty + Resources for Parents

04/08/2020 – Survival During Triggering Times – Resources for Parents

04/01/2020 – Info for Parents Impacted by COVID-19 + Child Welfare

05/07/2020 – New Rise TIPS for Coping with Video Visits

Protecting Families from Poverty—and CPS: How Early Legal Representation is Working in New Jersey

Parents struggling to provide for their children are often surprised to learn that gaps in basic care caused by poverty can result in allegations of neglect and child removal. Parents struggling with lack of adequate housing or poverty need access to resources and support, not an intrusive child welfare investigation, mandated services, or separation.

‘The Challenges of the Virus Have Acted Only to Heighten an Already Urgent Need for Systemic Change’

The coronavirus shutdown is putting stress on families and is negatively impacting families with child welfare involvement: Courts are closed, hearings are delayed and in-person visits and services are canceled. In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Children’s Bureau has issued guidance to child welfare agencies.
Here, Jerry Milner, the Associate Commissioner of the U.S. Children’s Bureau, and David Kelly, Special Assistant to the Commissioner, explain parents’ rights and protections during the pandemic. They also discuss their guidance to child welfare agencies and courts and their vision for child welfare reform.

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