Finding Support

All parents need places where they feel safe and supported. Many parents want help but fear opening up about their struggles and don’t know where to safely find support. If children are in foster care, parents may not know what services to ask for to help them heal. Parents write about the supports that have helped them feel safe, bond with their children, grow as people and parents, reunify with their children—and keep their children out of foster care.

Mission Impossible – CPS is helping to reconnect my son and me even though I lost my rights

Three years ago, my son was removed from my home because he had serious behavioral problems and I had become too sick and exhausted to care for him.

I raised my son on my own until he was 9 years old. For five years, he was in and out of psychiatric hospitals because of his impulsive, destructive behavior. He was diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar disorder.

I found services to support my … Read More

Out in Front – When my family was investigated, I was terrified but I took charge

It was August 2nd, 2010, 10:30 p.m. It was 103 degrees and my two children were dirty and sweaty from playing outside. I was running thewater for their bath when the doorbell rang: “Bling-blang, bling-blang.” My 10-year-old son ran to the door and then quickly ran back to the bathroom. “Mommy! Mommy! ACS is at the door.”

“That isn’t even funny to joke about,” I said.

“No mom, really they are … Read More

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