An Unavoidable System: The Harms of Family Policing and Parents’ Vision for Investing in Community Care
This report shares the results of a participatory action research project that Rise conducted in winter 2021 in partnership with TakeRoot Justice. Imaginative and sometimes painful community conversations with 48 people impacted by ACS provide the foundation of this report. Findings also reflect 58 anonymous surveys by parents impacted by ACS.
Our research documents the harm of the family policing system and outlines how parents impacted by the system believe families can receive care and support without the surveillance, control, trauma and loss inflicted by the current system. Based on our research, our recommendations lay out specific concrete legal, policy and budgetary changes that can be made immediately to shift away from reliance on ACS and strengthen family support in communities.
We are sharing this report to mobilize parents and allies to build political power to fundamentally change how New York City supports families. There is a role for everyone in moving toward this vision. In our calls to action, we invite you to consider the part you can play and join in.