A Time to Bond
Eight true stories show how parents have succeeded in bonding with children in foster care during visits. Lessons and worksheets give you the tools to use the stories in a parent support group, parenting education classes, or one-on-one discussions. Parents learn from the true stories of their peers.
* 8 stories by parents who have reunified with their children
* Discussion guides for each story–use in parenting classes, support groups, or visit coaching
* Visit Journals for each story help parents reflect, set goals and keep track of progress during visits
* Interviews with visiting experts
“A Time to Bond is absolutely fantastic! The parents’ stories are so thoughtful and instructive. I learned a lot from them and I’m sure they will help many parents have better visits. Everyone who is involved with visits in public and private agencies all over the country would benefit from using A Time to Bond. There is nothing like it anywhere” –Marty Beyer, Ph.D., Developer of Visit Coaching